Hawaiian Wedding Blessing

Florida beach wedding blessing with Hawaiian Flair

Florida beach wedding with Hawaiian Flair

On a balmy Florida beach with Suncoast Weddings, we offer choices for your wedding blessing. Take inspiration from this tropical blessing from Hawai'i.

No gift you have to offer is more valuable than your love, so treasure it with all your heart and nurture it with care. Work your love into practical things so nothing can divide you. Take time from every busy day to be there for each other, to listen and to show how much you mean to one another.

Let your words be kind, gentle and loving. Let your hearts always be ready to ask forgiveness, as well as to forgive. For a marriage filled with tenderness that's built on trust and giving is what brings the deepest meaning and greatest joy to living.

Hawaiian Leis for a Florida beach wedding blessing

Hawaiian Leis for a Florida beach wedding